Character Creation: To Be A Self That Never Was

Hey, hey people. CHARACTER CREATION. What does it mean to create a character!? To become a character! To lose yourself in a world unlike your own… That is the topic of todays log. So, shall we begin? First and foremost, I’d like to thank everyone who has chosen to back Arkavite on SubscribeStar. Your contributions…

Let’s Design! A New Interface In Another World!

And so begins our dive into the wondrous world of UI! Putting the silly LN-esque title aside, let’s get right into it. For the longest time, Project Arkavite has been lacking in any real menu system. Based on the pervading themes in the story, I want to land on a design which evokes feelings of fantasy, and spell tomes with a hint of steampunk, while not diverging too far from the pixel aesthetic…