Public Service Announcement!

I recently launched a CoDecks Page to provide you with a better picture of what is currently being worked on. The codecks page allows ongoing and future development objectives to be elaborated upon in greater detail than the roadmap. With this option now available, the roadmap page has received some changes. The roadmap has been simplified to provide a clear and general overview. Detailed development tracking has now been sequestered to CoDecks.

Additionally, has been set up to issue live updates to our #arkavite channel on discord as objectives are worked on / marked as complete. I want to keep everyone in the know with what’s going on and being worked on. I hope this will help do just that.

Furthermore, I’ve made some changes to how suggestions and bug reports are managed. You may now submit suggestions in #⁠idea-chat, and bug reports in #bug-report via slash commands.
Any suggestions made will show up here:

Here, you may browse and upvote ideas (which helps me know how popular they are). I might even post some of my own from time to time, just to test the waters. If you have an idea rumbling around your noggin, be it for Arkavite, the Server or whatever else, head on down to ⁠idea-chat and let your ideas be known!

2 thoughts on “Public Service Announcement!

    1. a
      That’s my bad. Didn’t realize there were redirects on the hyperlinks when I copied the post over from SubStar. I’ll get to fixing it now.
      Thanks for pointing it out!

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