Hi everybody. I’m here to deliver a fresh new update. Allow me to give you a quick run through of what’s new.
• Download [0.5.0-A]
• Changelog
30+ new choices (including blessings, curses and items) have found their way into the character creator. To help accommodate the increased volume of choices, I’ve added a new optional feature which can be enabled via settings. You may at any time enable Compact Choices to reduce the choice display down to list form. Choices which could be considered items or tools will now be displayed in a new dedicated section separate to blessings, and choices have been re-ordered, such that linked choices will now be located closer together.

I have added religion to the game. You may even opt to believe in yourself if you so choose. This should give the characters you create a little more flavour, and give you some more insight into the lore of the world which is being created.

New eye decals have arrived! Who doesn’t love heart shaped pupils? If you’re the saintly kind, you’ll be granted access to the angelic eye decals.

I’ve unified my slider code, giving mini sliders an added degree of functionality. We now have slider highlighting, SFX, and most importantly, slider limits! The archetype section will now function as intended, displaying your individual stat values, and displaying and enforcing limits based on selected blessings and curses.

You may also notice a newly added body slider. Yes, that’s right. You may now adjust the size of your peen. “But why the limits?”, I hear you asking. One of our new blessings is [Well Endowed]. Selecting it will release these restrictions, allowing your character to be better endowed and equipped for the action to come.
I’ve been reworking our buttons to keep your current selections highlighted. This goes for both the section buttons and regular options. Incredibly handy as this helps inform you what you have selected has been selected. The highlighting should stay in sync as you switch builds (male / female) or select options which alter other aspects of your appearance.

There are some minor syncing issues around sliders which I’m working to resolve, but those are in no way game breaking and will be addressed in due course.
As it has been requested a couple of times, you may now rotate and pan the character with RMB (Right Mouse Button) as well as MMB (Middle Mouse Button). The UI does not currently reflect this, so I’m just letting you know here and now that it’s something which now exists~
In addition to this, I’ve given context to the innate traits which can be found within each starter race. Previously, I was thinking I’d have them show up in the blessings section, but having to flip back and forth between sections would not be the best design. It’s better to have the descriptions in the game and readable than not at all, so for now, I’ve added a quick summary of what each of the innate traits will do to the info portion of each race.
Finally, [Chuuni-Mania] now gives +10 chaos, because of course it does. If you want to read the full changelog, click RIGHT HERE. I will now be working to get that mega devlog finished and up on Arkavite.com. Should have been out sooner, but priorities changed, and I wanted to get some things finished first. We’re there now, and the log is scheduled to release SOON. Then it’s back onto combat, weaponry and items, with a chance of choice implementation.
Thank you to everyone supporting what I do here! Be sure to let me know what you think. Let me know if you like what’s new, and I hope you enjoy!